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New podcast episode: Faith in the app store

Religious Influencing & Digital Religion

Digital technologies and social media are changing how religion is lived and communicated. Instead of going to church on Sunday, people can now discover spiritual content on Instagram or TikTok and even chat with “AI Jesus”. But what does this mean for theology and the understanding of faith?

Our hosts Frank Richter and Jessica Reust talk to Sabrina Müller, Professor of Practical Theology, about “Digital Religion” in the latest podcast episode of Schampar digital. Sabrina Müller explains how faith is spread in the digital space. In addition to religious influencers, they also talk about the growing popularity of meditation and confession apps.


  • Religious influencing and the role of the church on social media
  • Opportunities and risks of digital tools
  • Effect of mindfulness apps
  • Importance of digital and religious education in a pluralistic society

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Sabrina Müller is a professor, theologian, author and pastor. From 2021 – 2024 she was director of the University Research Priority Program (URPP)  Digital Religion(s). Since 2024, she has been Professor of Practical Theology at the University of Bonn and project leader of the project “Hermeneutische Dynamiken individueller und gemeinschaftlicher christlich-religiöser Sinnstiftung in einer Kultur der Digitalität” at the URPP Digital Religion(s).

Website and Instagram account of Sabrina Müller 

Theologin Sabrina Müller. Foto: Goran Basic

Religious influencers

Digital church service

Chat with Jesus? The Jesus AI

Technical terms used in conversation:

  • Syncretism refers to the synthesis of ideas or philosophies into a new system or worldview. Wikipedia
  • Catechists teach religion in the Protestant or Roman Catholic Church. Wikipedia

You can find our podcast Schampar digital on all podcast platforms.

Hosts: Frank Richter and Jessica Reust
Sound: Jessica Reust
Sound: Daniel Hug

Do you have any questions, suggestions or would you like to give us feedback on our episodes? We look forward to hearing from you! Send us an e-mail.