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2021.1 Transformation textile industry

Transformation of the textile industry from push to pull production through digitalization

Development of a platform on which clothing can be digitally tried on and purchased using a personal 3D avatar. The platform integrates all players in the supply chain and, by switching from push to pull production, has the potential to liberalize the textile industry in a disruptive way and make it transparent.


Prof. Dr. Maike Scherrer, ZHAW School of Engineering, Forschungsschwerpunkt Nachhaltige Mobilität

Dr. Andreas Weiler, ZHAW School of Engineering, Forschungsschwerpunkt Information Engineering

Patrick Doege, ZHAW School of Engineering, Forschungsschwerpunkt Nachhaltige Mobilität

Viola Rühlin, ZHAW School of Engineering, Forschungsschwerpunkt Nachhaltige Mobilität



Schweizerische Textilfachschule


Image Wear GmbH