Project state
Project start
April 2022
Funding duration
12 months
Universities involved
Universitätsspital Zürich
Funding amount DIZH
CHF 68'000
The platform for medical image data realised as part of the DIZH call enables the simple distribution of the generated images within the hospital and thus makes them available for research projects with little effort. This allows the rapid testing of new techniques in radiology (e.g. tumour detection supported by artificial intelligence, etc.) without the need to create a separate test environment for each application. In this way, new achievements can be utilised more quickly in patient care and research.
The processing of medical image data, in particular using artificial intelligence, is becoming increasingly important. Here it is important to make translation (“bench to bedside”) simple and speedy so that the findings can be used quickly in clinical routine and thus in patient care. It has been possible to optimally combine the medical expertise of the radiology department at the University Hospital Zurich with the technical expertise of the ZHAW, so that the software addresses a so-called “clinical need”. As the project is published as “open source”, the new ideas and suggestions for improvement that now arise in the routine can be implemented easily and efficiently. This allows the project to be continued beyond the funding period.
PD Dr. Andreas Hötker, Universität Zürich, Institut für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie
Steven Häsler, ZHAW School of Engineering
Call type: 1. Rapid Action Call