On June 7, 2023, our “Green Bytes” event took place at the ZKSD, focusing on the topics of sustainability and digitalization. We would like to thank all participants for the inspiring exchange and their commitment!

Some highlights:
Thorsten Busch from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) presented the interdisciplinary project “AIMS”. This project originated from the ZHAW Digital Community and focuses on collecting data on the power consumption of graphics processors. The goal is to analyze how the use of artificial intelligence (AI) can be made more sustainable and efficient.
Mario Angst from the University of Zurich (UZH) and Julia Krasselt from ZHAW discovered common research fields and opportunities for cross-university collaboration in the field of sustainability discourse.
The event offered visitors many exciting experiences. Using virtual reality goggles, they were able to experience the retreat of the Aletsch glacier first hand, slip into the body of a bat or spider, and see with their own eyes the impact of thinning forests. These experiences were made possible by the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK).
Thanks again to all who contributed to this successful event. We look forward to future events and further collaboration in the field of sustainability and digitalization!

Projects and experts on site
- DSI Community Sustainability / SDGnets@ZH, Mario Angst, UZH
- ZHAW sustainable, Nico Frommherz, ZHAW
- Eco-fasting chair: The mobile eco-fasting chair of the ZHAW shows with a wink of the eye what effects different behaviors have on the environment and how one can make up for them.
- With the Senses of a Spider. An arachnocentric experience, Barbara Schuler, ZHdK
- Here Comes the Sun. How light changes our forest, Michelle Weber, ZHdK
- Batvision. Experience the world as a bat, Raffaele Grosjean, Somebodyelse
- Spatial sustainable finance – Geodata-based tools for more sustainability in the financial industry, Patrick Laube, ZHAW
- AI Infrastructure Manager for Sustainability, Thorsten Busch, ZHAW
- Energy Kiosk – A playful approach to the energy transition in the residential community, Patrick Laube, ZHAW
- Database of high-protein foods, Claudio Beretta, ZHAW
- Telehealth: Therapy at a distance, Lena Sauerzopf, ZHAW
- Digital Discourse: energy, sustainability, construction, Julia Krasselt, ZHAW
- Machine translation for crisis communication, Mattia Turra, ZHAW
- Design your city, Jonas Christen, ZHdK
- Sustainability communication and impact of explanatory videos on sustainable topics, Anna Schorn, UZH
- Expedition 2 Degrees, Jonas Christen and Niklaus Heeb, ZHdK
- Virtual Reality Glacier Experience, Jonas Christen and Niklaus Heeb, ZHdK
- It’s getting hot in the city, Ivo Suter, ZHAW
- Climate Change AI, Raphaela Kotsch, ZHAW
- Digital production of furniture from scrap wood, Yves Ebnöther, ZHAW
- Clay stairs from the 3D printer, David Jenny, ZHAW
- Virtual dress fitting. Using the 3D avatar for more sustainability in the fashion industry, Maike Scherrer and Patrick Doege, ZHAW
and many more…

Pictures: Ricardo Farina, ZHAW