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The BRIDGE Lab – a collaborative platform to promote research and innovation

The BRIDGE Lab is a structural vessel funded by the UZH Digital Society Initiative (DSI). It offers a collaborative platform to promote research and innovation across sectors and cultures, and to bring together academia with industry and policy makers with the aim to better understand how to obtain societal acceptance of disruptive technologies, among others.
The lab has a Quarterly Publication Series which serve as the source of intellectual inspiration to communicate scientific results with societal actors outside academia. Its summer edition features the 1st Briefing Report on «Societal Acceptance of Urban Drones», including key findings of a recent literature study and recommendations for implementation. It stresses the necessity to consider not only the apparent technical risk factors, but also the broader influences of external, operational, socio-economic, and emotional factors when evaluating societal acceptance.
Follow the lab on LinkedIn and check out its exciting activities and upcoming publications!