Late August “Government as a Platform” research group has held a presentation of a pilot project on the potential usage of SSI technology for issue of digital IDs for the refugees in Switzerland. The results were presented to the practice partners from the Swiss software companies Ergon Informatik AG and Procivis as well as to a representative from the canton of Zurich and our colleagues from ZHAW.
The presentation took place at the University of Zurich. Participants discussed the follow-up steps for incorporating SSI technology both in the “Government as a Platform” project and more broadly in Switzerland. They all recognized the importance and potential of the proposed topic, agreeing on the necessity for further research. This research should involve collaboration between technology providers, governmental organizations, and research initiatives to develop a suitable solution.
Currently SSI is a widely discussed topic in the field of digital identity. In Switzerland, trials are underway to use the Public Sandbox Trust Infrastructure based on SSI technology as the foundation for the national eID.