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Apéro Digital

On June 19, 2024, the 2nd Apéro Digital will take place in cooperation with SATW: Manufacturing Innovation. Collaboration in R&D for the swiss manufacturing industry.

More information and registration

Past events

On 22 May 2024 Apéro Digital launched its first event, in collaboration with the Swiss Digital Initiative (SDI), on the topic Certification Labels for AI Systems

More information 

The Apéro Digital event series are regular in-person gatherings for those who are interested in science and technology to meet and discuss pressing issues related to digitalization, innovations and society in a systematic and argumentative way.

Apéro Digital is composed of public talks around topics related to human-centered technology and value-based innovation, alongside peer exchanges, interactions, and networking opportunities over small Apéros, taking place at important cultural and artistic venues around the Greater Zurich Area.
Combining techniques of technology foresight, storytelling, and sharing of lived experiences, Apéro Digital facilitates the co-creation of reflexive environments to support the understanding societal transformations around digitalisation. Each event will result in a tangible artifact that is co-produced by participants. These outputs may be technical, argumentative, artistic, or analytical, all with the aim of adding values to the collective reflections about, and strategic navigation around, societal challenges posed by the ongoing digital transformation.
Apéro Digital is a “sister” program of Apéro Philo, both are event series that hold the promise of generating new ideas and fostering new forms of collaborations across the digital innovation community.