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Cyber Safari – Zurich learning path to digital resilience

Cyber Safari promotes the digital resilience of young people through playful learning. Interactive quests at various stations strengthen media skills and combine digital learning with physical activity. Positive effects are expected at both an individual and social level.


Gregor Waller, ZHAW Departement Angewandte Psychologie

Dr. Lea Stahel, UZH Soziologisches Institut

Academic partner

Prof. Dr. Franziska Oehmer-Pedrazzi, FH Graubünden

Nadine Ganz, FH Graubünden, Institut für Multimedia Production (IMP)

Philip Krüger, FH Graubünden, Institut für Multimedia Production (IMP)

Practice partner

Kanton Zürich, Bildungsdirektion 

Running time: 2024-2025

Funding in the 3rd Rapid Action Call “Digital resilience: between deep fake and cyber creativity