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Vacancy: DIZH is looking for a Managing Director

The University of Zurich (UZH), the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH) are leading one of the largest research, innovation and education initiatives for digital change in Switzerland with the “Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions” (DIZH). In order to implement and further develop this initiative operationally, we are looking for a:n Managing Director as part of a succession plan as of December 1, 2024 or by arrangement.

Your tasks
As Managing Director, you will manage the office in terms of personnel and finances in accordance with the requirements of the DIZH steering committees. The tasks of the office include promoting cross-university cooperation within the DIZH, supporting all DIZH sub-projects and activities, carrying out DIZH reporting to the Canton of Zurich, managing the DIZH steering committees and public relations work.

The management of the office works closely with the partner universities, actively shapes the DIZH over the entire duration of the project until 2030 and thus contributes to strengthening the Canton of Zurich as a research, education and economic area in dealing with the challenges of digital change.

Your profile
For this challenging position, we are looking for a person with a university degree and broad experience in the areas of organizational development, budgeting, controlling and management. You are very well networked in the public and private sectors and, thanks to your strong communication skills, can bring different interest groups to the table. Your excellent language skills in German and English also help you to do this.

You are highly sensitive to the different cultures of the universities involved and are confident in a rapidly changing environment. You take a pragmatic approach to issues and are interested in questions of digital change as well as teaching, research and innovation in this area. Familiarity with university procedures and processes is an advantage.

We offer you
We offer a varied position in an exciting, socially relevant environment. You will be employed at the University of Zurich on the usual terms and conditions. Further employment at one of the sponsoring universities from 2030 is possible if you are suitable and interested.
Please submit your application by August 14, 2024 at the latest.