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Schampar digital celebrates anniversary

Exactly one year ago, we published the first episode of our podcast.

Together with our hosts Jessica Reust and Frank Richter, we thought about how we could convey the diverse research topics from the DIZH universities in an understandable way. This gave rise to the idea for Schampar digital, in which experts from UZH, ZHAW, ZHdK and PHZH provide insights into their research. In the first episode, we spoke to Sara Irina Fabrikant about how GPS and navigation systems can get us to our destination faster and at the same time impair our sense of direction.
Since then, you can find out more about hate speech, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and sustainability in a total of ten episodes.

Our previous episodes:

Episode 1: Prof. Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant | In 300m links abbiegen – Verlorene Orientierung wegen Navis
Episode 2: Prof. Dr. Karsten Donnay | Stop Hate Speech – Mit Algorithmen gegen Hass im Netz
Episode 3: Prof. Christoph WeckerleSkillMatching – Mittels KI zum passenden Kreativjob
Episode 4: Prof. Dr. Barbara GettoRevolution des Lernens? Digitale Transformation im Bildungswesen
Episode 5: Dr. Ivo SuterHot in the City. Hitzebelastung und Lösungen
Episode 6: Manuela HürlimannSprachenlernen leicht gemacht. Chatbots im Englischunterricht
Episode 7: Oliver SahliJenseits des Hypes: Verborgene Welten hinter XR, VR, AR
Episode 8: Dr. Mario AngstDigitalisierung: Ökokiller oder Hoffnungsträger?
Episode 9: Lisa Heierli | Swipe, Like, Innovate: Jugendliche und die digitale Evolution
Episode 10: Prof. Dr. Alireza DarvishyVom Supermarkt bis zum Cyberspace: Digital Accessibility für alle

A big thank you to our wonderful guests who took the time to talk to us, and to all those who responded to our questions – whether in street surveys or in the workplace.

On Monday, July 15, our latest episode will be released! This time we talk about information overload. Anne Schulz reports on a study that examines how Swiss people deal with the abundance of information. You can also find out which strategies can help you keep track of everything.

We look forward to next year with many more exciting conversations and interesting guests.

Thank you for listening to our podcast and recommending it to others!

If you would like to find out more about a specific topic or have any suggestions, please get in touch.