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“AI buddy” for students?

A survey of students at the University of Zurich shows: Almost all of them use AI tools and many would like to have an “AI study partner”. This is an invitation to universities to take a proactive approach to the topic.
Prof. Abraham Berstein
Director of the Digital Society Initiative UZH

In the DSI Insights column on Inside IT , Abraham Bernstein sheds light on the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in higher education.

A survey of students shows: 97% use AI tools such as ChatGPT and Deepl, but only 14% have acquired their AI skills through teachers. Universities should therefore rethink their role in teaching AI know-how.

The idea of an “AI buddy”

A key topic is the “AI buddy”, an AI system that accompanies students during their studies. It could provide learning resources, help with study planning and promote contact with fellow students. 65% of respondents stated that they would use such an “AI buddy”.

Long-term changes

Abraham Bernstein predicts that AI will enable new forms of teaching, such as project-based learning and interdisciplinary collaboration. At the same time, he warns that skills such as writing and critical thinking must not be neglected.

Universities must actively respond to developments in the field of AI and develop their own solutions in order to support and shape the educational process in a meaningful way.

Based on such considerations, the “DSI Strategy Lab” has formulated concrete recommendations on how a positive use of AI in education, research and innovation can be achieved.

About the author

Prof. Abraham Bernstein is Director of the Digital Society Initiative and Head of the Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems Group at the University of Zurich. He is also member of the DIZH management board. The commentary was written on behalf of all authors of the new DSI position paper “AI in Education, Research and Innovation”.