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Together for Cyber Resilience in the Canton of Zurich

Complex problems such as cyber security can only be solved through the constructive and continuous exchange of knowledge between a wide range of partners. Proven solutions from the past are often not enough, as technologies, strategies and players are constantly evolving.

CYREN ZH strengthens cooperation and exchange in the Canton of Zurich and beyond in order to empower the most important resource in dealing with cyber incidents: People.

Research, education and a strong network

CYREN ZH combines technical expertise, management know-how and human factors to comprehensively shape cyber security. At the University of Zurich and the ZHAW, practical solutions and educational offers are developed that involve and sensitize society as a whole.

The network enables risks to be identified at an early stage and suitable measures to be developed. The focus is not only on technological aspects, but also on raising awareness of the human dimension of cyber security.

One example of CYREN ZH’s approach is the Open Source Intelligence course. Students analyze a single image and work out details such as location, time and context. This method sharpens their understanding of the availability of data on the internet and promotes responsible handling of personal information.

Cyber security is a challenge that can only be overcome through joint action. CYREN ZH brings together stakeholders from science, business and society to make the Canton of Zurich more secure and resilient. The focus is on developing and implementing sustainable solutions through exchange and cooperation.

CYREN ZH is funded in the 1. Structure Call.