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MindfulPacer: Activity pacing for long Covid patients

The MindfulPacer project combines smartwatch and smartphone technology to help people with Long Covid to monitor their symptoms.

Device support and app development

The MindfulPacer-team around André Meyer plans to release apps for iPhone with Apple Watch and Android with WearOS-compatible watches (e.g. Pixel Watch, Samsung Watch). Later, devices from Garmin could also be supported. Despite delays in integration with the Apple Watch, the team is confident that this will be resolved soon. At the same time, the Android app is being completely reprogrammed.

Community outreach

Over the next few months, the community will be more involved in testing the apps, providing feedback and recruiting volunteers to support the project. Tobias Hoch has set up a website and started a blog to collect and summarize relevant research in the field of Long Covid and ME/CFS. The outreach is supported by the Long Covid Switzerland association.

The team is in intensive exchange with researchers and is preparing a study on design concepts around MindfulPacer, led by Isabelle Cuber. An ethics application for a follow-up study with users has been submitted and is awaiting approval.

Interested parties can sign up for the newsletter to stay informed about the test phase and further developments.

The project  is funded in the Outreach Call.