Steering Committee
Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman, President UZH (Chair)
Prof. Dr. Regula Jöhl, President ZHAW
Dr. Karin Mairitsch, President ZHdK
Prof. Dr. Andrea Schweizer, President PHZH
Prof. Dr. Dorothea Christ, President Office of Universities of the Canton of Zurich
Management Board
Dr. Reto Thaler, Chair
Secretary general, PHZH
Prof. Abraham Bernstein, PhD
Director Digital Society Initiative, UZH
Dr. Martin Jaekel
Head of Research and Development Unit, ZHAW
Dr. Susanne Schumacher
Chair Digital Council, ZHdK
Managing Office
Dr. Birk Weiberg, Managing Director
Sabine Dani, Communication & Administration
Dr. Helge Johannssen, Office Innovation program
Dr. Silvia Passardi, Controlling & Finance
Lisa Zahner, Office Innovation program
Innovation panel
Prof. Dr. Hanja Hansen, Chair
Innovation Manager University Development (PHZH)
Prof. Dr. med. Emanuela Keller
Professor of Neurointensive Medicine (UZH)
Dr. Maria Olivares
Head Innovation (UZH)
Prof. Dr. Ross Purves
Professor Geocomputation (UZH)
Prof. Dr. Anja Schulze
Director of Swiss Center for Automotive Research, Swiss CAR (UZH)
Prof. Dr. Monika Götzö
Director of the Institute for Diversity and Social Integration (ZHAW)
Prof. Dr. Adrian W. Müller
Director of Institute for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (ZHAW)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Ott
Director of Institute of Computational Life Sciences (ZHAW)
Prof. Dr. Dirk Wilhelm
Dean and Managing Director School of Engineering (ZHAW)
Dr. Beate Böckem
Head of Research Affairs (ZHdK)
Xavier Dayer
Head of the Department of Music (ZHdK)
Dr. Ramona Mosse
Head of Study Theatre (ZHdK)
Prof. Christoph Weckerle
Head of Zurich Centre for Creative Economies (ZHdK)
Dr. Wolfgang Bührer
Instructor Nature and Technology (PHZH)
Raquel Delgado Moreira, PhD
Responsible for research funding, Office for Research & Development Services (PHZH)
Dr. Markus Weil
Head of Higher and Adult Education (PHZH)
Note: The submission and recusal rules in the DIZH Innovation Programme (PDF, german) regulate both the submission of applications and the recusal from reviewing and approving project proposals.
Coordination Committee Education Program
Prof. Dr. Sascha Schneider, Chair
Assistant Professor of Educational Technology / Institute of Education (UZH)
Julian Keuzenkamp, Deputy Chair
Research Associate ZHAW digital
Dr. Alexandra Jansky
Head of Digital Education and Innovation (UZH)
Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Witt (Stv. Prof. Dr. Titus Neupert)
Direktorin Digital Society Initiative (UZH)
Thomas Korner
Head of Innovation Lab, Ressort Education (ZHAW)
Wanja Kröger
Head of Dossier Teaching (ZHdK)
Prof. Dr. phil Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel
Professorin Fachdidaktik Kunst und Design / Mitglied im Digitalrat (ZHdK)
Prof. Dr. Barbara Getto
Professor of Media Education / Centre for Education and Digital Transformation (PHZH)
Dr. Martin Berger
Lecturer Education and Social Sciences (PHZH)
Prof. Dr. Hanja Hansen
Innovation Manager University Development (PHZH)
Dr. Markus Weil
Head of Higher and Adult Education (PHZH)
Tobias Huber, UZH
Roman Scherrer, UZH
Dr. Bettina Sackenreuther, ZHAW
Johanna Seiwald, ZHAW
Dr. Irene Ragaller, ZHdK
Regula Weber, PHZH
Katja Durkin, UZH
Christine Benson, ZHAW
Sandra Nonella, ZHAW
Florence Balthasar, ZHdK
Friederike Hoch, PHZH
Plenary Meeting
The plenary meeting serves to network the members of the DIZH, to inform them about current developments and to exchange opinions. It includes all members of the DIZH as well as other persons who are employed at one of the partner universities and who have actively expressed their interest in the DIZH to the managing office.