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Sabine Dani


Leveraging Deep Learning to Assess Upper Limb Kinematics after Stroke with Off-the-shelf Webcams We develop and validate a camera-based compensation classifier (“3C”) for tele-neurorehabilitation to discriminate normal arm-movements from those with compensation. The algorithm can be used with a webcam alone or in combination with inertial measurement unit (IMU).  This… Read More »Tele-Assessment

Planet Digital Exhibition at Museum für Gestaltung Zürich On view: February 11 – June 6, 2022 Self-learning algorithms, rare earths, and robots bestowing blessings: In the exhibition Planet Digital, mounted by the University of Zurich and the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, innovative research teams meet up with creative minds from… Read More »Planet Digital


Project state closed Project start December 2021 Funding duration 30 months Universities involved UZH, ZHAW Practice partners Dezentrum Funding amount DIZH CHF 185'000 A house owned by no one but itself In 2019, the think tank Dezentrum developed the concept of No1s1 (read as “no one’s one”), which aims to… Read More »no1s1

Practice writing while gaming

Up to a third of schoolchildren have fine motor difficulties that become noticeable when writing. A new digital game, which is being developed at the ZHAW’s Department of Health together with partners from ZHdK and PHZH, aims to make practicing fun.

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The smart hospital of the future

Together with Swiss universities and industry partners, the ZHAW is researching how hospitals can implement the digital transformation.

Modern forms of organization, digital technologies such as virtual reality or artificial intelligence, and the networking of processes and data can turn the hospital into an intelligent system and increase quality and efficiency. For three and a half years, a consortium led by the ZHAW is researching how this transformation to the hospital of the future can be implemented – together with four other research partners, around 20 hospitals and 24 industry partners. The research project “Smart Hospital – Integrated Framework, Tools & Solutions” (SHIFT) will run until June 2025. It has a total budget of 5.7 million Swiss francs and is supported as a flagship project by Innosuisse, the Swiss agency for innovation promotion.

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A legal framework for artificial intelligence

On November 10, the results of this year’s DSI Strategy Lab were presented at DSI. These met with lively interest: over 120 people followed the presentation of the position paper “A Legal Framework for Artificial Intelligence”.

On Monday, 29.11.21, we will present the position paper in Bern. As part of the Parldigi MasterClass, we get the opportunity to present our work to digital-savvy parliamentarians. This last MasterClass 2021 is open to the public and will be streamed live from 10.15 am.

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Smart, connected products: Jürg Meierhofer and team win Best Paper Award

Jürg Meierhofer, Christoph Heitz, and Frank Hannich won the Best Paper Award in the Service Science category at the Naples Forum on Service 2021 for their paper on optimising service value creation with smart, connected products. The paper was written as part of a DIZH Fellowship.

The paper describes a novel quantitative model for the design of the service interactions in the life cycle of customers using smart connected products – typically in industrial environments, i.e., in Industry 4.0 context – with the goal of optimising mutual service value creation for both the customer and the provider.

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DSI Excellence Program for PhD students – scholarships available!

The UZH DSI Excellence Program for PhD students, a complementary curriculum to the doctorate in the respective field of study, is entering its third year. As every year, scholarships are offered to applicants with very good academic performance and interest in research on the impact of digitalization on society. We invite all interested applicants to apply for the DSI Excellence Program (start: September 2022) via the DSI website from 1 December 2021.

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Digitalising administration in Zurich: ZHAW digital awards 9 new fellowships to outstanding researchers

The DIZH Fellowships are awarded to outstanding ZHAW researchers who would like to work in a research cluster on cross-university and interdisciplinary digital transformation projects. In 2020 and 2021, a total of 27 fellows had already started their fellowships. This was the third call.

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