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Sabine Dani

Call for proposals: Rapid Action Call to strengthen digital resilience

The increasing spread of AI and easy access to digital tools present a multitude of opportunities, but also bring new challenges. New forms of participation and exchange encounter hateful exclusion, while creative innovation faces misinformation. Personal expressions of real individuals contrast with AI-generated influencers. Especially for adolescents and young adults,… Read More »Call for proposals: Rapid Action Call to strengthen digital resilience

Can We Trust the Healthcare System?

In the Frontiers podcast, Jan Hallett talks to Felix Gille about the complexity of trust in healthcare. From defining trust to discussing the reliability of AI diagnoses. Listen now! Felix Gille (Digitial Society Initiative, UZH) researches health policy, governance and public trust in the use of data in health systems.… Read More »Can We Trust the Healthcare System?

20 years of Facebook – Karsten Donnay as a guest on SRF Digital Podcast

20 years of Facebook is the topic of the SRF Digital Podcast. Jürg Tschirren sheds light on various aspects of the development and criticism that have accompanied Facebook since it was founded. He explores the question of whether the accusations levelled at the social network are justified. Karsten Donnay, Assistant… Read More »20 years of Facebook – Karsten Donnay as a guest on SRF Digital Podcast

Restricting creativity: tech companies and the growing censorship in the digital world

In the NZZ am Sonntag from 7 January 2024, Denise Bucher discusses the growing control over content by tech companies in Silicon Valley and its impact on art and freedom of expression. The censorship of films on Amazon Prime and Apple and the restrictive guidelines on platforms such as Instagram… Read More »Restricting creativity: tech companies and the growing censorship in the digital world

DIZH Swiss Smart City Outreach

The “Swiss Smart City Outreach (SSCO)” project aims to promote the implementation of smart city initiatives, primarily in the canton of Zurich, by providing information, knowledge transfer (DIZH projects) and networking, thereby contributing to the development of smart, sustainable cities and municipalities in Switzerland. Further links on the topic: Plattform… Read More »DIZH Swiss Smart City Outreach

Exergames for Health – Bringing digital and motivating forms of therapy and training to the clinic and public

ExerUp Portal provides information on exergames and their potential in the areas of health, training and therapy. The platform is aimed at interested parties from research, practice and other areas who want to explore innovative approaches to exercise and health. Go to ExerUp Portal The development of exergames for rehabilitation… Read More »Exergames for Health – Bringing digital and motivating forms of therapy and training to the clinic and public

Growing a public self-sustaining community for Activity Pacing and Long Covid patients

MindfulPacer MindfulPacer is an innovative platform made up of a smartwatch application and a smartphone app. The platform helps people affected by Long Covid manage their symptoms by providing them with real-time data related to their physical activity.  The research prototype is now to be made publicly available and, in… Read More »Growing a public self-sustaining community for Activity Pacing and Long Covid patients

From the “Spanish flu” to COVID-19 – why researching past pandemics is worthwhile

Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum, Inventarnummer LM-102737.46 Hardly anyone today knows anything about the “Spanish flu” of 1918-1920 and the “Asian flu” of 1957. However, since knowledge about past pandemics would be very valuable for future health risks, researchers at UZH and ZHAW want to close this memory gap.  Author: Louis Schäfer “All… Read More »From the “Spanish flu” to COVID-19 – why researching past pandemics is worthwhile