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Sabine Dani

Training spatial thinking in a playful way

Spatial visualisation is very important for orientation in space. How can this be trained? Game-based approaches, particularly from game design, can be particularly effective in teaching spatial understanding. The Spatial Abilities project team is developing interactive, virtual and three-dimensional training software as part of a video game. The game-based virtual… Read More »Training spatial thinking in a playful way

How can AI be used responsibly?

On 30.11.23, the guests of “Digital Futures: AI & Cybersecurity” discussed the responsible use of AI. AI and cybersecurity Martin Burkhart from Cyber-Defence Campus highlighted a crucial aspect of cybersecurity research in Switzerland: the current concentration on specific research areas is overlooking others. The challenge lies in rectifying this imbalance… Read More »How can AI be used responsibly?

Algorithmic alchemy – socio-technical reproduction of social inequality in education

Algorithmic systems promise to make grading objective and individualize education. Instead of subjective preferences of teachers algorithms seemingly base their decisions about grading and allocating tasks on seemingly objective data. Yet, due to their nontransparent nature new forms of inequality are unwittingly introduced. Datasets and their algorithmic analysis are subject to algorithmic bias,… Read More »Algorithmic alchemy – socio-technical reproduction of social inequality in education

Stay informed about cybersecurity

CYRENZH can now be reached on a new website. Dive into blog posts on cybersecurity, check out the latest publications or register for the newsletter and events. All of CYRENZH‘s progress and information will be posted on the website. CYRENZH is funded under the 1st Structure Call in the innovation… Read More »Stay informed about cybersecurity

AI for the Common Good: Mental Health

According to the WHO, one in every eight people in the world lives with a mental disorder, a clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotional regulation, or behaviour. Which impacts do recent advances in artificial intelligence have on mental health issues? Experts on the topic share their insights. Author:… Read More »AI for the Common Good: Mental Health