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Sabine Dani

Learning in a new dimension In collaboration with experts from professional practice, researchers from the ZHAW and PHZH investigated the didactic and design factors for the effective use of VR for basic vocational education in Switzerland. The Baumann Koelliker Group is using the prototype developed in the Virtual Reality as a Learning Venue for… Read More »Learning in a new dimension

Paper by DSI Professor published in “Nature Human Behavior”

  The paper, “Political Polarization of News Media and Influencers on Twitter in the 2016 and 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections,” by DSI Professor Alexandre Bovet and nine co-authors, was published in the current issue of the online journal Nature Human Behavior. Social media have changed the dynamics of political communication… Read More »Paper by DSI Professor published in “Nature Human Behavior”

ChatGPT opened our eyes

ChatGPT can write, improve, simplify or translate a wide variety of texts. What are the advantages for teaching, where are the risks? A panel discussion of the Institute for Computational Linguistics and the Digital Society Initiative sought answers. Author: Stéphanie Hegelbach A personal digital assistant that does everything – that… Read More »ChatGPT opened our eyes

Flying toward the future

A new testing facility at Dübendorf Airport enables researchers to develop autonomous systems such as drones from idea to marketable product. The facility was conceived thanks to the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions. Marita Fuchs; English translation by Philip Isler The drab metal door to Hangar 9… Read More »Flying toward the future

Data Donation Symposium

The Data Donation Lab, an initiative at the University of Zurich that promotes data donation as a methodological approach to collect digital trace data, is organizing a Symposium on the topic of data donation. The Symposium will take place on 11-12 September 2023 at the University of Zurich, but it… Read More »Data Donation Symposium

Event review “Value of Web3” Together with Digital Shift, ZCCE organised a discussion evening on the topic of “Value of Web3” on 1 February. Almost 100 guests from the university landscape, tech community and start-up landscape in Zurich took part and discussed the potential of blockchain technologies. The experts were: Matthias Weissl, Co-Founder and… Read More »Event review “Value of Web3”


A knowledge archive of the art of film cineMINDS is developing an international online platform for the collection, research and publication of craft knowledge in the art of film. We open up innovative perspectives for dealing with large video corpora in the digital humanities, promote a low-threshold accessible publication of… Read More »cineMINDS