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Sabine Dani

Applications of AI

Applications of artificial intelligence are everywhere. In the UZH ‘Talk im Turm’, Prof. Abraham Bernstein and UBS Foundation Professor David Dorn discussed how they could change the world of work. This article by Stefan Stöcklin was originally published in ‘UZH News’ on 4 November 2024 in German. Translated by the UBS… Read More »Applications of AI

Innovation as the key to success in the automotive industry

Even without its own automotive production, Switzerland remains an important supplier of components for the international automotive industry. Prof. Dr. Anja Schulze, DIZH Bridge Professor at UZH and ZHAW and Director of the Swiss Center for Automotive Research, talks in an interview with the SME portal of the State Secretariat for Economic… Read More »Innovation as the key to success in the automotive industry

New podcast episode: Creative with AI

In our latest podcast episode, Frank Richter talks to Lisa Hillers from ZHdK about the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the creative process. From image generation tools to automatic 3D modeling, AI is increasingly becoming an important tool for designers. And therefore also a competitor? Lisa Hillers explains that… Read More »New podcast episode: Creative with AI

Review of the AI+X Summit 2024

The AI+X Summit 2024, organised by the ETH AI Center in collaboration with the ZHAW and UZH, brought together experts from science, industry and politics at the beginning of October to shed light on current developments in artificial intelligence (AI). The AI+X Summit provides an annual platform for discussing the… Read More »Review of the AI+X Summit 2024

Can computers make decisions for us?

Comedian Frank Richter wants to find out whether humans or machines make ‘better’ decisions and what this actually means. To this end, he asks passers-by on the street, a computer with a funny hat and researcher Alice Aubert fromZHAW. Her research focusses on decision-making processes at the interface between environmental… Read More »Can computers make decisions for us?

Protection thanks to cybersecurity clinic

Cyberattacks are prevalent in today’s world and everybody may become an attack target. Successful attacks may have serious consequences, such as the theft of sensitive information, corrupted data and systems, and the inability to continue business operations, possibly for an extended period of time. Ultimately, successful cyberattacks typically lead to… Read More »Protection thanks to cybersecurity clinic

The Future of Work: Brains and Bots

The University of Zurich dedicates the latest issue of its magazine to the exciting question of how the future of work is being reshaped by artificial intelligence (AI). While technology plays a central role, it is emphasized that human and social aspects such as emotional intelligence and a sense of… Read More »The Future of Work: Brains and Bots