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Sabine Dani

From smart vacuum cleaners to data vacuum cleaners: the Internet of Things – useful or a security gap?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is arguably here to stay. By the end of 2024, more than 207 billion devices are expected to be connected to the global network of tools, toys, appliances and gadgets, according to Forbes . However, in addition to increased efficiency and convenience, the IoT also brings… Read More »From smart vacuum cleaners to data vacuum cleaners: the Internet of Things – useful or a security gap?

Digital competence for politicians

Launch of the Parldigi MasterClass in Geneva The Parldigi MasterClass for members of the Grand Council of the Canton of Geneva was launched on 26 January 2024 with a first event on cybersecurity. The Parldigi MasterClass gives politicians the opportunity to learn more about technical, social, legal and ethical topics… Read More »Digital competence for politicians

ZHAW digital funds 14 new projects

14 new projects are being funded by ZHAW digital as part of the Digital Futures Fund (DFF). These include projects for internal digital transformation and innovative research projects. The “Digital Futures Fund” funding program by ZHAW digital is aimed at all ZHAW employees who are involved in digital transformation inside and outside… Read More »ZHAW digital funds 14 new projects

Data donation for research purposes

Data Donation Day 2024 The Data Donation Lab will organize a Data Donation Day in September 2024 in Switzerland. The goal of the Data Donation Day is to increase people’s awareness of the possibility to donate their personal digital data to research and provide them the opportunity to participate in… Read More »Data donation for research purposes

Kick-start your Career with AI

For: High school students from a Gymnasium or Berufsmaturitätsschule in their third and final year before graduation.Date and time: 17 April 2024, 8:00am-08:00pmLocation: University of Zurich, DIZH, Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zürich  What is it about? “Kick-start your Career with AI» is a full-day hackathon aimed at empowering young and aspiring students to harness… Read More »Kick-start your Career with AI

Apéro Digital

The Apéro Digital event series are regular in-person gatherings for those who are interested in science and technology to meet and discuss pressing issues related to digitalization, innovations and society in a systematic and argumentative way. Apéro Digital is composed of public talks around topics related to human-centered technology and value-based… Read More »Apéro Digital

Conversations with Stanley

“Conversations with Stanley” enables the audience to have conversations in real time with an emotionally responsive artificial intelligence. The project aims to make technology tangible in a low-threshold way, encourage critical reflection and open up a public and broad debate on the role of algorithms in our society. Learn more… Read More »Conversations with Stanley

SciComm meets Comedy

Humor and science – do they go together? The project is testing a new video format in which a comedian takes a close look at digitalization topics. A research team is investigating how this format of science communication is received. Don’t want to miss a video? Follow DIZH, ZHAW digital… Read More »SciComm meets Comedy