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Advancing Information Accessibility in Hospitals Employing Large Language Models

In an ICU, time-efficient retrieval, precise understanding, and following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are critical for ensuring optimal treatment and patient safety. To address this, we develop a multi-lingual, user-tailored, and AI-powered dialogue system over SOP documents which is seamlessly integrated with medical semantic taxonomies. Core team Dr. Ahmad Aghaebrahimian,… Read More »Advancing Information Accessibility in Hospitals Employing Large Language Models

MedTwins Agil.IT

Bridging Orthopedics through Digital Mirroring MedTwins Agil.IT will leverage cloud services to create a Trusted Research Environment connecting the hospital IT system with scalable IT resources. This agile environment will pave the way for cloud usage in the R&D process of clinical AI and accelerate the translation of digital technology… Read More »MedTwins Agil.IT


The ConCLAS project pioneers deep-learning analysis of high-density EEG data, combining it with real-time closed-loop auditory brain stimulation. The resulting enabling technology enhances non-invasive brain interventions developed by Tosoo AG and TI Solutions AG, and advances clinical diagnostics and therapeutic interventions. Core team  Dr. Samuel Wehrli, ZHAW Life Sciences und Facility… Read More »ConCLAS

Being a spider – Virtual Realities as spaces for learning and experience

The Being a spider project enables a unique change of perspective through a sensory-enhanced virtual reality experience. Users are immersed in the world of the spider and can thus experience its world in the museum. Core team Prof. Niklaus Heeb, ZHdK Departement Design Isabel Willemse, ZHAW Angewandte Psychologie Practice partner Museum… Read More »Being a spider – Virtual Realities as spaces for learning and experience

Social influencer

The project promotes the quality of discourse in the digital space by empowering people methodically and digitally using a browser extension to react constructively to hate speech as online street workers and to de-escalate escalations. The extension assists in recognizing and processing hate speech. Core team Judith Bühler, ZHAW School… Read More »Social influencer


Similarity-based AI for Rare Diseases The RareSim project aims at developing novel AI-based approaches to support physicians in their tasks of helping rare disease patient (in particular for diagnosis). Whilst these more than 7000 rare diseases each afflict less than 2000 people, it is estimated that for all these diseases… Read More »RareSim

Augmented Ecospheres

Complex natural spaces are under pressure all over the world today. The aim of the project is to communicate this acute threat posed by the climate crisis using innovative digital communication methods and artistic productions, without putting further pressure on these natural spaces. Artists and scientists from the Telematic Performance… Read More »Augmented Ecospheres


Zurich urban reachability & accessibility enhancement through digital technology The ZuReach is a participatory research project in collaboration with practice partners that aims to provide a scalable and regularly updated database containing comprehensive sidewalk accessibility information in Zurich. This initiative also plays a pivotal role in advancing digital methods and… Read More »ZuReach