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Structure Call


A Think-and-Do-Tank for Responsible Development and Societal Alignment of Artificial Intelligence Systems AI-BRIDGE brings responsible AI to the ground by bridging the gap between societal values and development of AI technology and solutions. The AI-BRIDGE Think-and-Do Tank will help organizations to exploit the potential of AI while complying with legal… Read More »AI-BRIDGE


Overcoming language barriers in public institutions Digilinguo is a platform that promotes sustainable practices in the use of digital translation and language tools, thus allowing for language barriers to be overcome in public institutions. Three channels will be created to help it in achieving this objective: 1) a test track… Read More »Digilinguo


Immersive Education and Science Exploration IMMERSE is committed to the digital transformation of education and training through immersive teaching and learning technologies. With a network of innovative partners from the education and technology sectors, structures and formats are being created to ensure the widespread implementation of XR- and AI-based methods… Read More »IMMERSE

Sustainable Digital Finance

Sustainable Digital Finance aims to promote financial technology for sustainable finance. Today, there is still a huge gap in embedding sustainability in finance. Sustainable Digital Finance focuses on research and its translation into ventures and its acceleration by regulators and policy makers. Team Prof. Dr. Beat Affolter, ZHAW School of… Read More »Sustainable Digital Finance

Public Data Lab

Measuring Societal Wellbeing under Changing Circumstances Challenges posed by societal disruptions impact cantonal governance. The Public Data Lab (PDL), hosted by Canton Zurich`s Statistics Office, creates indicators and new approaches to measuring change in society, economy and environment. Through transdisciplinary digital and artistic innovation the PDL will increase public trust… Read More »Public Data Lab

Digital Health Design Living Lab

The DHD Living Lab (Digital Health Design Living Lab) creates an interdisciplinary structure that acts as a catalyst for innovative research and development projects by experienced and young researchers at the interface of digitalisation, health, ethics and design. The aim is to build a bridge to practice by directly involving… Read More »Digital Health Design Living Lab

LINA: Shared Large-scale Infrastructure for the Development and Safe Testing of Autonomous Systems

LINA provides the operational basis of a real and virtual infrastructure for research, development and safe testing of autonomous systems in the canton of Zurich in an internationally unique test setup. The LINA Hub is the place where international experts from science and industry gather to shape the future in… Read More »LINA: Shared Large-scale Infrastructure for the Development and Safe Testing of Autonomous Systems

CYREN ZH: Cyber Resilience Network For The Canton Of Zurich

More information and news How can we better protect ourselves from cyber threats? The answer to this question is as complex as cyber security itself, because the right balance must always be found between technical possibilities and political, social and economic interests. The increasing digitalisation of critical infrastructures in particular… Read More »CYREN ZH: Cyber Resilience Network For The Canton Of Zurich

Digital Health Zurich

A practice lab for patient-centred clinical innovation More information and news Digital Health Zurich researches digital health solutions in the hospital context and implements them efficiently and with practical relevance. Core topics are Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROMs), remote monitoring, integrated care and related technologies as well as empowerment of… Read More »Digital Health Zurich