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Innovation program

Deep Brain Vessel Profiler

Enhancing Brain Angiograms for Personalized Stroke Management The architecture of the supplying brain blood vessels impacts the occurrence and severity of stroke. DeepBVP will extract the Circle of Willis from MRA, automatically annotate vessel segments and characterize them morphologically and topologically. We employ deep learning methods with a solid knowledge… Read More »Deep Brain Vessel Profiler


Digital support for caregivers Project state closed Project start September 2021 Funding duration 28 months Universities involved ZHAW, ZHdK Practice partners We+Tech, Pro Aidants Funding amount DIZH CHF 223'000 There is an enormous amount of knowledge available for relatives of people with dementia. So much, in fact, that it’s easy… Read More »You+Care


Design and Evaluation of a Digital Exergame-Based Solution for Effective and Attractive Sports Rehabilitation Project state closed Project start November 2021 Funding duration 24 months Universities involved ZHAW, ZHdK Practice partners Sphery AG Funding amount DIZH CHF 202'000 After a knee injury, only 65% of athletes return to the… Read More »ExerCube

Making in the classroom

School-related creation and testing of OER modules Project state closed Project start October 2021 Funding duration 24 months Universities involved PHZH, UZH Practice partner Schulamt der Stadt Zürich, CreativeLab Zürich Funding amount DIZH CHF 189'000 The project ‘Making in the classroom’ ( was a two-year development and investigation of various… Read More »Making in the classroom

Virtual reality as a learning venue for basic vocational training

Action Competence through Immersive Learning Experiences Project state closed Project start July 2021 Funding duration 15 months Universities involved ZHAW, PHZH Practice partners BKW Building Solutions, Bandara, Helvetas, Funding amount DIZH CHF 102'000 For many training companies, it is difficult to provide vocational trainees with sufficient situations in which… Read More »Virtual reality as a learning venue for basic vocational training


Leveraging Deep Learning to Assess Upper Limb Kinematics after Stroke with Off-the-shelf Webcams We develop and validate a camera-based compensation classifier (“3C”) for tele-neurorehabilitation to discriminate normal arm-movements from those with compensation. The algorithm can be used with a webcam alone or in combination with inertial measurement unit (IMU).  This… Read More »Tele-Assessment

Planet Digital Exhibition at Museum für Gestaltung Zürich On view: February 11 – June 6, 2022 Self-learning algorithms, rare earths, and robots bestowing blessings: In the exhibition Planet Digital, mounted by the University of Zurich and the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, innovative research teams meet up with creative minds from… Read More »Planet Digital


Project state closed Project start December 2021 Funding duration 30 months Universities involved UZH, ZHAW Practice partners Dezentrum Funding amount DIZH CHF 185'000 A house owned by no one but itself In 2019, the think tank Dezentrum developed the concept of No1s1 (read as “no one’s one”), which aims to… Read More »no1s1


A collaborative environment to embrace deep uncertainties in decision making on climate risks Project state closed Project start November 2021 Funding duration 27 months Universities involved UZH, ZHAW Practice partner City of Zurich, City of Winterthur, Swiss Re Funding amount DIZH CHF 239'000 DSS_Embrace aimed to enhance the capacity of… Read More »DSS_Embrace

Transformation of the textile industry from push to pull production through digitalization

Project state closed Project start October 2021 Funding duration 24 months Universities involved ZHAW Practice partners Schweizerische Textilfachschule (STF); Image Wear AG; Swisstextiles; further associated partners Funding amount DIZH CHF 180'000 The fashion industry is characterised by the mass production of homogeneous and standardised fashion items. Fast fashion attempts… Read More »Transformation of the textile industry from push to pull production through digitalization