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Data donation for research purposes

Data Donation Day 2024 The Data Donation Lab will organize a Data Donation Day in September 2024 in Switzerland. The goal of the Data Donation Day is to increase people’s awareness of the possibility to donate their personal digital data to research and provide them the opportunity to participate in… Read More »Data donation for research purposes

Kick-start your Career with AI

For: High school students from a Gymnasium or Berufsmaturitätsschule in their third and final year before graduation.Date and time: 17 April 2024, 8:00am-08:00pmLocation: University of Zurich, DIZH, Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zürich  What is it about? “Kick-start your Career with AI» is a full-day hackathon aimed at empowering young and aspiring students to harness… Read More »Kick-start your Career with AI

Restricting creativity: tech companies and the growing censorship in the digital world

In the NZZ am Sonntag from 7 January 2024, Denise Bucher discusses the growing control over content by tech companies in Silicon Valley and its impact on art and freedom of expression. The censorship of films on Amazon Prime and Apple and the restrictive guidelines on platforms such as Instagram… Read More »Restricting creativity: tech companies and the growing censorship in the digital world

A Smartwatch App to Tackle Long Covid

Researchers from the University of Zurich have been honoured with the UZH Postdoc Team Award for developing an innovative smartwatch application and companion app called MindfulPacer to help Long Covid sufferers manage their symptoms. The researchers, André Meyer-Baron and Carlo Cervia-Hasler, met at a DIZH networking event in November 2022… Read More »A Smartwatch App to Tackle Long Covid

Learning languages the easy way

In the current podcast episode, we take an exclusive look at ChaLL, the prototype of a language-based chatbot that enables students to improve their language skills. Manuela Hürlimann from the Centre for Artificial Intelligence at the ZHAW provides insights into the development of the bot and explains why such a… Read More »Learning languages the easy way

From the “Spanish flu” to COVID-19 – why researching past pandemics is worthwhile

Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum, Inventarnummer LM-102737.46 Hardly anyone today knows anything about the “Spanish flu” of 1918-1920 and the “Asian flu” of 1957. However, since knowledge about past pandemics would be very valuable for future health risks, researchers at UZH and ZHAW want to close this memory gap.  Author: Louis Schäfer “All… Read More »From the “Spanish flu” to COVID-19 – why researching past pandemics is worthwhile

Senior Citizens University of Zurich UZH3 – Education, reflection and participation for generation 60+

Around 2,000 adults aged 60 and over take advantage of the diverse programme offered by the UZH3 Senior University, which ranges from lectures to online courses. Gerontopsychologist Burcu Demiray researches the positive effects of lifelong learning on cognitive functions. Participants appreciate the motivated atmosphere and intellectual stimulation. UZH3 combines education… Read More »Senior Citizens University of Zurich UZH3 – Education, reflection and participation for generation 60+

Training spatial thinking in a playful way

Spatial visualisation is very important for orientation in space. How can this be trained? Game-based approaches, particularly from game design, can be particularly effective in teaching spatial understanding. The Spatial Abilities project team is developing interactive, virtual and three-dimensional training software as part of a video game. The game-based virtual… Read More »Training spatial thinking in a playful way