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ChatGPT in school education

How must education respond to chat GPT? A NZZ guest commentary by Tobias Röhl, professor of digital learning and teaching at PH Zurich. Digital abstinence is certainly not a solution. Rather, we need to find a competent way of dealing with the new technical possibilities at schools. Teachers are now… Read More »ChatGPT in school education

Founder Call: Founding of start-ups or spin-offs in the field of digital transformation

The Founder Call offers students and employees of DIZH universities the opportunity to obtain the low-threshold funding they need to advance their start-up or spin-off.  By funding the step from a pure start-up idea to a proof of concept, founders are supported in demonstrating that their conceptually developed project can… Read More »Founder Call: Founding of start-ups or spin-offs in the field of digital transformation

Call for Participation: Fostering focused work and collaboration in hybrid teams

Are you working in a knowledge work team and have frequent interactions with your co-workers? Do you sometimes find it challenging to balance focused work and collaborating with or helping your team? Then this study, conducted by the University of Zurich, might be valuable to you! We are looking… Read More »Call for Participation: Fostering focused work and collaboration in hybrid teams

Blueprint for Economic Reform in post-war Ukraine

A Blueprint for Reform: Economic priorities in post-war Ukraine In cooperation with policy makers and academics from Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine (CASE Ukraine), the ZHAW School of management and Law has developed a concrete concept for economic reforms in post-war Ukraine. From the International Management Institute, Prof. Dr. Christopher Hartwell was involved… Read More »Blueprint for Economic Reform in post-war Ukraine

Scientific assistance in the area of digital university didactics 60 %

The Institute of Educational Science at the University of Zurich, Chair of Educational Technology, has a vacancy for an academic assistant (60%) to start on 01.05.2023 or by agreement. The Chair of Educational Technology is concerned with questions relating to education with digital media or in digital learning environments. In… Read More »Scientific assistance in the area of digital university didactics 60 %

Learning in a new dimension In collaboration with experts from professional practice, researchers from the ZHAW and PHZH investigated the didactic and design factors for the effective use of VR for basic vocational education in Switzerland. The Baumann Koelliker Group is using the prototype developed in the Virtual Reality as a Learning Venue for… Read More »Learning in a new dimension

Paper by DSI Professor published in “Nature Human Behavior”

  The paper, “Political Polarization of News Media and Influencers on Twitter in the 2016 and 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections,” by DSI Professor Alexandre Bovet and nine co-authors, was published in the current issue of the online journal Nature Human Behavior. Social media have changed the dynamics of political communication… Read More »Paper by DSI Professor published in “Nature Human Behavior”