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ChatGPT opened our eyes

ChatGPT can write, improve, simplify or translate a wide variety of texts. What are the advantages for teaching, where are the risks? A panel discussion of the Institute for Computational Linguistics and the Digital Society Initiative sought answers. Author: Stéphanie Hegelbach A personal digital assistant that does everything – that… Read More »ChatGPT opened our eyes

Post-war plan for rebuilding Ukraine

In the Business Arena, host David Kennedy took a closer look at the economic priorities of post-war Ukraine. Topics discussed included: the reconstruction of Ukraine, post-war recommendations, and integration into the European Union. TVP World’s guest was Prof. Dr. Christopher Hartwell of the ZHAW School of Management and Law. More articles… Read More »Post-war plan for rebuilding Ukraine

Flying toward the future

A new testing facility at Dübendorf Airport enables researchers to develop autonomous systems such as drones from idea to marketable product. The facility was conceived thanks to the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions. Marita Fuchs; English translation by Philip Isler The drab metal door to Hangar 9… Read More »Flying toward the future

Kyoto University and UZH Strengthen Their Strategic Partnership

How can artificial intelligence help improve medical diagnoses? This was one of the topics of the joint symposium of UZH and Kyoto University, which ended successfully yesterday. Author: Priska Feichter What started as a collaboration between two institutes has become a university-wide strategic partnership: UZH’s Institute of Regenerative Medicine and… Read More »Kyoto University and UZH Strengthen Their Strategic Partnership

Where AI is accepted in Switzerland

Women and the political left are more sceptical about AI. They criticise the lack of emotionality. Nevertheless, the positive basic attitude towards artificial intelligence is surprising. Artificial intelligences can be used in many areas of life. For example, an AI can make a medical diagnosis, recognise false messages on social… Read More »Where AI is accepted in Switzerland

Data Donation Symposium

The Data Donation Lab, an initiative at the University of Zurich that promotes data donation as a methodological approach to collect digital trace data, is organizing a Symposium on the topic of data donation. The Symposium will take place on 11-12 September 2023 at the University of Zurich, but it… Read More »Data Donation Symposium