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Digitalising administration in Zurich: ZHAW digital awards 9 new fellowships to outstanding researchers

The DIZH Fellowships are awarded to outstanding ZHAW researchers who would like to work in a research cluster on cross-university and interdisciplinary digital transformation projects. In 2020 and 2021, a total of 27 fellows had already started their fellowships. This was the third call.

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Artificial intelligence to touch with drinks from the robot bar

At the Swiss Digitaltag, ZHAW presented five projects on artificial intelligence, including the new robot bar. The event took place in the “Nüü”, the new event location of ZHAW digital. Artificial intelligence has many faces. To experience the diverse applications of the technology, ZHAW invited people to marvel and discuss… Read More »Artificial intelligence to touch with drinks from the robot bar

Brave new lonely world

Bestselling author Noreena Hertz writes in her new book that digitalization can lead to more loneliness. But digital tools can also make it possible to communicate more with each other. In an interview, Lilian Suter from the ZHAW Psychology Institute explains how we can use these tools to strengthen meaningful relationships.

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DSI Ethics

DSI’s Community Ethics brings together researchers from the field of ethics and related areas who are interested in ethical aspects of digitization. Current projects include “Evaluating digital support in ethical decision-making”, “Creating an ethical and legal governance framework for trustworthy cybersecurity in Switzerland” or “Value Sensitive Innovation: Integrating Ethical Values… Read More »DSI Ethics

The Future of Work Virtual Reality Lab

DSI Infrastructures & Labs are shareable infrastructures or structural vessels for generating collaborative settings for research – always with a reference to digital transformation. “The Future of Work Virtual Reality Lab” is such a vessel. It invites broad academic participation and collaboration with practitioners across different sectors and industries and… Read More »The Future of Work Virtual Reality Lab

Festival REFRESH #4

The REFRESH #4 festival will take place physically at the Toni-Areal from November 10 to 14, 2021. Under the title “New Realities: Design – Arts – Technology”, the interdisciplinary REFRESH will discuss risks and opportunities of digitalization for design and the arts in keynotes, masterclasses, panels, lab insights and a comprehensive exhibition, and speculate on possible futures.

The event is open to the public. Compulsory certification applies.

Obtaining free tickets for the various event offerings is mandatory at As tickets to the events are limited, we recommend early ticket reservations.

What is REFRESH #4 about?

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Making in the classroom – a (digital) tinkering, exploring and tinkering experience

Digitalization and the associated change in the world of work require competencies: from (digital) designing to the acquisition of a flexible and informatic mindset to an affinity for tools and media. Free discovery, open teaching spaces and problem-based tasks form the prerequisite for “making” in the classroom. Not infrequently, this… Read More »Making in the classroom – a (digital) tinkering, exploring and tinkering experience

Explaining and understanding artificial intelligence made easy

What is “artificial” and “intelligent” about technology? For people outside this field, it is often difficult to understand how artificial intelligence works. ZHAW researchers are developing methods to help here.

The technology that lies behind artificial intelligence (AI) can seem invisible and sometimes even scary to many. People often do not realise that applications are underpinned by an AI system. This is the case, for example, when AI makes recommendations based on our previous decisions when we are browsing Netflix or shopping online. Manuel Holler from the ZHAW School of Management and Law refers to this as an “AI moment,” in other words an everyday situation in which the effect of AI is surprisingly felt.

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Verena Ziegler and Ulrich Götz are among the Digital Shapers 2021

For the sixth time, Bilanz, in collaboration with the Handelszeitung, PME magazine and Digitalswitzerland, has chosen the Digital Shapers, those 100 people who are driving digitization in the country. Among them is Ulrich Götz, Professor and Head of Game Design, in the “Creatives” category. Verena Ziegler, research assistant and doctoral… Read More »Verena Ziegler and Ulrich Götz are among the Digital Shapers 2021