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“Unpredictable Collaborations”: Kick-off of the inter-university Center for Arts and Cultural Theory (ZKK) and DIZH Bridge Professorship

With the Center for Arts and Cultural Theory (ZKK), the University of Zurich (UZH) and the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) will be running a joint center from 2024. The Faculty of Arts and Humanities (UZH) and the Department of Cultural Analysis and Mediation (ZHdK) are involved. The focus… Read More »“Unpredictable Collaborations”: Kick-off of the inter-university Center for Arts and Cultural Theory (ZKK) and DIZH Bridge Professorship

“Making & more” anthology published

The anthology “Making & More: designing learning together” offers well-founded insights, new approaches and practical reports on how to integrate creative and action-oriented learning into the classroom. The vernissage “Making & More: designing learning together” marks the publication of the anthology, which was created as part of the DIZH project… Read More »“Making & more” anthology published

Shaping the future: 14 funded projects in the DIZH innovation program

The projects include innovative approaches in various areas such as health and medicine, education and science, society and communication as well as participatory research. In the 3rd Project Call of the DIZH Innovation Program, 14 projects are being funded. Together, they present a variety of innovative approaches based on interdisciplinary… Read More »Shaping the future: 14 funded projects in the DIZH innovation program

Swipe, like, innovate

In this podcast episode, we explore the perspective of young people on digitalization and artificial intelligence (AI) with Lisa Heierli from the University of Zurich. In workshops, the young participants learn that they are not just passive consumers, but can actively influence the digital world. Be it by questioning the… Read More »Swipe, like, innovate

E-learning programs for seniors

The Revolutionizing Education60+ team develops e-learning programs for senior citizens. The high-quality academic education programs are age-appropriate and accessible. Education providers can use the user-friendly e-learning platform and course content. The project builds a bridge between traditional educational offerings and the needs of the older generation. Learn more In… Read More »E-learning programs for seniors

TikTok and the privacy of teenagers

TikTok is particularly popular with young people and has been criticized for its low data protection standards, among other things. A recent study examined for the first time how young people aged 12 to 18 manage their privacy on TikTok with regard to personal videos. Text: Johanna Seiwald, ZHAW digital… Read More »TikTok and the privacy of teenagers

New further training in Cyber Security

Information security, data protection and the human factor: The CAS Cyber Risk Awareness teaches concepts and practice from psychology, communication and IT in order to sensitize relevant stakeholders to cyber risks and positively influence the security culture of an organization. Learn more The new program was created within the DIZH… Read More »New further training in Cyber Security

Less Hate Online

When wars break out in places such as Gaza or Ukraine, hate comments have a field day. They poison the debate on the internet and are a threat to democracy. Political scientist Karsten Donnay is looking into how to also establish social norms online. Hate comments on the internet are… Read More »Less Hate Online

Technology Outlook

Dr. Ning Wang, a DIZH projects leader and the lead of The BRIDGE Lab, serves as one of the 36 Ambassadors of the «Technology Outlook» – flagship publication of the Swiss Academy of the Engineering Sciences (SATW). The «Technology Outlook» is a comprehensive guide through tomorrow’s tech landscape, offering a panoramic view of current technologies and their potential. It serves… Read More »Technology Outlook