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New DSI Infrastructure & Lab Call

The Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Universities (DIZH) and the Digital Society Initiative (DSI) are announcing a new Call for DSI Infrastructures & Labs. The focus of the DSI Infrastructure & Lab Call is on the establishment of jointly usable infrastructures or structural vessels to promote collaborative settings for research… Read More »New DSI Infrastructure & Lab Call

New calls for proposals

Rapid implementation or establishment of long-term innovation structures: The two calls for proposals of the DIZH Innovation Program are aimed at different target groups. With the call for “Rapid action proposals” of the Innovation Program, the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions (DIZH) supports projects that respond to immediate challenges… Read More »New calls for proposals

DSI Communities in a new look

The nine DSI Communities, all of which deal with digital transformation and its impact on our society, are getting a new website. The communities “Communication” and “Democracy” are already presenting themselves – their goals, projects and members – in the new look. The other seven communities will follow in the next few weeks.

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ZHAW digital funds seven additional projects as part of the “Digital Futures Fund”

Seven new projects will receive funding in the third and final Digital Futures Fundaward date in 2021. This year, for the first time, the Digital Futures Lab community was involved in the selection process. “We thank our community members for their support and will take the feedback into account when designing the next… Read More »ZHAW digital funds seven additional projects as part of the “Digital Futures Fund”

Launch of the new creative economies website

During the Creative Economies Forum, the new website was launched, providing access to ongoing research initiatives and projects. As an international research and competence center, the Zurich Centre for Creative Economies engages in research, teaching, promotion and consulting in and with the Creative Economies.

Privacy statements in fitness apps – the most boring research topic of digitalization?

Every app collects data about its users. Privacy statements indicate whether personal data is passed on to third parties and how long and where it is stored. But does anyone really read that? DIZH Fellow Nico Ebert knows how to get people to read through the boring privacy statements after all.

“We don’t care about your privacy at all” could be written in a privacy statement online and many people would still click “Accept”. Terms and conditions, imprints and privacy statements are important legal components of websites and apps. They inform users about the terms of use, which company or person is responsible, and which of the user data is used for which purposes. You can read all of this – but does anyone ever do that?

“Privacy statements are probably the most boring research topic in the world,” says Dr. Nico Ebert of the ZHAW School of Management and Law. “But I want to show that it’s not as boring as it looks.”

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Swiss Green Economy Symposium (SGES) Innovation Forum “Smart Cities – Brilliant Ideas for Smart Sustainable City Developments” in Winterthur, 3rd September 2021

Participate to the Win.Lab Co-Creation Innovation Workshop and develop wanted Decarbonisation Ideas in a Design Thinking process in Public Private People Partnerships to be posted on the HYPE platform, which might be awarded with Seed Money to further develop the selected Ideas.

Read More »Swiss Green Economy Symposium (SGES) Innovation Forum “Smart Cities – Brilliant Ideas for Smart Sustainable City Developments” in Winterthur, 3rd September 2021