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DSI Bridge Postdoc Call

We are looking for researchers (PhD’s) who are at the beginning of their academic career and are conducting interdisciplinary research on topics that are closely…

DSI Infrastructure & Lab

DSI Infrastructures & Labs are jointly usable infrastructures or structural vessels that are intended to generate collaborative settings for research – naturally always with reference…

The Future of Work

DSI LECTURE SERIES 2022 Over the past three months, we have intensively studied the future of the world of work: We have learned, for example,…

Kamituga / Digital Gold

On Thursday, 30 June 2022 at 4:30 pm, the Immersive Arts Space invites you to a book vernissage [more]. Christoph N. Vogel’s publication CONFLICT MINERALS…

EWAF’22 @Digital Society Initiativ

On June 8 and 9, 48 researchers met for the first European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF’22) at the premises of the Digital Society Initiative.…