What is “artificial” and “intelligent” about technology? For people outside this field, it is often difficult to understand how artificial intelligence works. ZHAW researchers are…
For the sixth time, Bilanz, in collaboration with the Handelszeitung, PME magazine and Digitalswitzerland, has chosen the Digital Shapers, those 100 people who are driving…
The Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Universities (DIZH) and the Digital Society Initiative (DSI) are announcing a new Call for DSI Infrastructures & Labs. The…
Rapid implementation or establishment of long-term innovation structures: The two calls for proposals of the DIZH Innovation Program are aimed at different target groups. With…
The nine DSI Communities, all of which deal with digital transformation and its impact on our society, are getting a new website. The communities “Communication”…
Seven new projects will receive funding in the third and final Digital Futures Fundaward date in 2021. This year, for the first time, the Digital Futures Lab community…