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Research cluster

DIZH’s research cluster aims to promote interdisciplinary, cross-university research on digitalization issues. We want to pool the different skills and capacities of our partner institutions in order to facilitate new perspectives on the digitalization process and enable innovative forms of collaboration.

The research cluster is a DIZH-coordinated network of researchers from partner universities as well as external project partners.

Professors, lecturers and senior researchers can take part in the DIZH research cluster in a variety of ways: by holding a DIZH-funded position, as fellows, as members of the plenary meeting or other advisory bodies, or by acting as an external project partner.

DSI Professorships, UZH

Immersive Arts Space, ZHdK  

Zurich Centre for Creative Economies, ZHdK

Centre for Education and Digital Transformation, PHZH

DIZH offers a framework for partner universities to establish bridge professorships. These professorships are interdisciplinary and contribute to connecting the partner universities on an academic level. The professorships are tasked with bringing together relevant activities from DIZH partner universities in a particular field and creating synergies between them.

Prof. Dr. Anja Schulze, Professorship for Mobility & Digital Innovation Management (DIZH Bridge Professor cooperating with the Department of Business Administration, UZH, and School of Management and Law and the School of Engineering at ZHAW)

Prof. Dr. Roland Meyer (from July 1, 2024), Professorship for Digital Cultures and Arts / DIZH Bridge Professorship at Zentrum Künste und Kulturtheorie (ZKK) / Arts and Culture Theory (UZH & ZHdK)

In addition to bridge professorships, DIZH partner institutions can also create temporary positions for bridge postdocs. These postdoc positions are intended to strengthen collaboration and create synergies between partner universities in particular fields.

DSI Postdocs / Digital Society Initiative, UZH

Fellows are members of a partner university who devote part of their working time to DIZH for a limited period. They take an active part in DIZH-related teaching and research or DIZH projects while working together with other members of the DIZH network.

DIZH Fellows ZHAW digital

Fellowship program of the UZH Digital Society Initiative

Digital Entrepreneur Fellowships, UZH

The doctoral program promotes and connects junior researchers in the Zurich area who focus on digitalization issues.

DSI Excellence Program for PhD Students

Immersive Arts Space, ZHdK  

The Immersive Arts Space team conducts practice-based research in the interaction field between art, design and digital technology. The team members have their professional roots in film, game design, interaction design, music, computer science and engineering. 

Zurich Centre for Creative Economies, ZHdK

The Zurich Centre for Creative Economies (ZCCE) publishes the website “Creative Economies“. It presents annual data on cultural participation from the “Creative Economies Reports”. It also offers research articles, information articles and reviews of books, essays and academic papers.

Centre for Education and Digital Transformation, PHZH

The group researches digital transformation and its effects on education, teaching, and learning, and it considers how digital developments shape education.


The DIZH invites researchers to exchange information and network with each other. For this reason, we regularly organize events