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Cyber-Defence Campus: Working Together To Strengthen Switzerland’s Cybersecurity
6. Juli 2023 @ 16:30 - 18:30

Bernhard Tellenbach from armasuisse speaks about the Armasuisse Cyber-Defence Campus. After the keynote we invite you to a nice apéro!
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Cyber threats have substantially increased in recent years. To counter this growing threat, various measures were initiated in Switzerland, one of which was the establishment of the Cyber-Defence (CYD) Campus at armasuisse S+T in 2019. In this talk, Bernhard Tellenbach will first discuss what the CYD campus is , what its key tasks are, and why collaboration with academia and industry plays an important role in fulfilling our mission. To make such collaborations attractive for all parties involved, incentives and suitable instruments are needed. He will briefly present some of these instruments and take the opportunity to provide insights into some research highlights achieved with them. These include topics such as the security of electric charging, the vulnerability of substations in the power grid, or progress towards more secure communication networks and sovereign smartphones.
Bernhard Tellenbach is the head of the cyber security team of armasuisse Science and Technology’s Cyber-Defence Campus. He holds a Master (2005) and Doctor of Science (2012) degree from ETH Zurich in electrical engineering and information technologies. Before his current role, he lead the information security research group at Zurich University of Applied Sciences. Bernhard leads the Swiss Cyber Storm association, represents Switzerland in the steering committee of the European Cybersecurity Challenge coordinated by ENISA, heads the Cyber Security thematic platform of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW), and is a member of the Cyber Security Advisory Board of SATW.