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Education and the European Digital Agenda: Concluding Workshop
30. März 2023 @ 17:15 - 31. März 2023 @ 14:45

The advent of computer technology has posed a variety of political, social, pedagogical and financial challenges for school systems across the globe which are still pertinent today. Over the past four years, it has been the ambition of the SNF-project “Education and the European Digital Agenda” to shed light on the role of computers in education from a historical perspective, examining the different actors, ideologies, and structures involved in the computerization of education in Europe between 1970 and the end of the dotcom boom around 2000. Through a series of European case studies, which are part of an edited volume soon to be published, as well as research undertaken as part of our SNF-project, the workshop will explore the political initiatives, financial considerations, and organizational structures that shaped the introduction of computers into secondary schooling, vocational education and training, adult and higher education. Additionally, the workshop will examine the perspectives of various stakeholders, including politicians, computer manufacturers, teachers, and students, and how their interests and priorities influenced the integration of computers into education. We would like to invite you to discuss with us the challenges and opportunities presented by technology in education by considering the complex dynamics and entanglements of the history of computers in education.
Thursday 30 March 2023
17:15-18:00 Book Launch «How Computers Entered the Classroom, 1960–2000»
18:00-19:00 Reception
Friday 31 March 2023
9:00-14:45 Concluding the SNF-Project «Education and the European Digital Agenda»,
with the following presentations: Carmen Flury: «Who’s afraid of computers in schools?
The politics of computer education in West Germany in the 1980s»
Michael Geiss: «Making Markets in Computer Education: The Case of Switzerland» Rosalía Guerrero: «A ‹Friend› in the Classroom: Expectations, Perceptions and Uses of the Swedish State-mandated Compis Computer in Schools» Barbara Emma Hof: «History of Educational Technologies: Past, Present, Future»
Register here to attend