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Forensics on the Holodeck
5. April 2022 @ 17:15 - 18:30

The degree of digitalisation in forensics gradually increases in line with technical innovation. Recently, different applications for Virtual Reality have been developed for technical forensics and forensic medicine. This includes teaching and education in forensics, but also advanced crime scene visits for investigation purposes and the support of court procedures. However, to fulfil this purpose, the digitisation of a forensic incident is necessary – including the scene, the people involved and any relevant objects.
A variety of 3D documentation and visualisation methods and their use in forensic investigations will be presented. First medical imaging methods, such as Computer Tomography Magnetic Resonance Imaging, will be introduced to explain how they are used by forensic pathologists for documenting evidence, preparing autopsies, and reconstructing incidents. In addition to medical imaging, optical surface scanning methods are used in all forensic areas, from the documentation of deceased and living persons to crime scene and object documentation. The data gathered by these methods can then be used by 3D experts in conjunction with the findings made by other forensic experts to reconstruct the incident in 3D and visualise the findings and interpretation of the evidence.
Live-Stream: https://blog.zhdk.ch/immersivearts/live/