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Games & Science
16. März 2023 @ 18:00 - 19:00

On the interplay between games and science
Games have long been more than just entertainment. As the panelists will show, serious and applied games have long since revolutionized therapy, education and research. Gamers analyze data for research purposes or get fit while playing. From Citizen Science Games to immersive movement projects in sports and rehabilitation: the guests will offer insights into their research and discuss possible future trends.
With Prof. Dr. Christine Lötscher, Popular Literatures and Media, University of Zurich, Dr. Anna Lisa Martin-Niedecken, Institute for Design Research, ZHdK, and Attila Szantner, CEO of Massively Multiplayer Online Science.
Moderation: Marc Bodmer, Game Consultant
Language: English
Afterwards, we offer the guests an aperitif and invite them to exchange ideas.
This talk takes place in the context of the exhibition Game Design Today at Museum für Gestaltung.
Language: English
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