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DIZH Exchange: What are Immersive Arts?
5. April 2022 @ 11:00 - 12:00

Diese Veranstaltung muss leider abgesagt werden. Gerne laden wir Interessierte zur Veranstaltung Shifting Realities, or: What are Immersive Arts Anyway? am 3. Mai ein.
The Immersive Arts Space and the associated professorship are part of the DIZH research cluster. Both have existed at the ZHdK for almost three years. Based on current projects, this talk will review the development to date and give insights into concepts of artistic research.
(Talk in English)
Christian Iseli has been teaching and researching at the Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK since 1995. He holds a professorship for Immersive Arts, heads the Immersive Arts Space and teaches in the MA Film program.
Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen der Reihe DIZH Exchange statt. Nach vielen Online-Meetings freuen wir uns sehr interessierte Angehörige der UZH, ZHAW, ZHdK und PHZH sowie die Öffentlichkeit zu uns einzuladen.